School Calendar 2024 Stamford Ct

School Calendar 2024 Stamford Ct

2022 2023 Hillsoborough County Student Calendar January Calendar 2022
2022 2023 Hillsoborough County Student Calendar January Calendar 2022
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As a parent of two young children, I know how important it is to stay on top of school calendars. That’s why I’m excited to share with you the School Calendar 2024 for Stamford Ct. This calendar outlines all the important dates for the academic year, including holidays, early dismissals, and parent-teacher conferences.

Important Dates

The School Calendar 2024 includes all major holidays, including Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter. In addition, there are early dismissals scheduled throughout the year, which provide teachers with additional time for professional development and planning.

One of the most important dates on the calendar is the first day of school, which is scheduled for September 4, 2024. This is an exciting time for both students and parents, as it marks the start of a new academic year.

Events and Festivals

Stamford Ct is known for its vibrant community, and the School Calendar 2024 includes many events and festivals for students and families to enjoy. Some of the most popular events include:

These events provide students with the opportunity to showcase their talents and be recognized for their hard work.

Stamford Ct Public School Art Show

The Stamford Ct Public School Art Show is a highlight of the calendar. This event features artwork from students in all grades, including paintings, drawings, sculptures, and more. It’s a great opportunity for families to come together and appreciate the creativity of Stamford Ct’s youth.

Stamford Ct Public School Music Festival

The Stamford Ct Public School Music Festival is another popular event. This festival showcases the talents of Stamford Ct’s young musicians, including bands, orchestras, and choirs. It’s a great opportunity for students to perform in front of a live audience and gain confidence in their musical abilities.

Stamford Ct Public School Science Fair

The Stamford Ct Public School Science Fair is a chance for students to explore the world of science and engineering. Students can submit projects in a variety of categories, including biology, chemistry, and physics. It’s an excellent opportunity for students to develop their critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Question and Answer

When does the school year begin?

The school year begins on September 4, 2024.

What are the major holidays?

The major holidays include Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter.

What are the early dismissal dates?

There are several early dismissal dates scheduled throughout the year. Please consult the School Calendar 2024 for specific dates.


How can I get a copy of the School Calendar 2024?

The School Calendar 2024 will be distributed to all students and families in the Stamford Ct Public School system. You can also download a copy from the school district’s website.

Are there any changes to the calendar that I should be aware of?

The school district reserves the right to make changes to the calendar throughout the year. Please consult the school district’s website or contact your child’s school for the most up-to-date information.

Is there a way to receive calendar updates and reminders?

Yes, parents and students can sign up for email or text message alerts for important calendar dates and reminders.

In conclusion, the School Calendar 2024 for Stamford Ct is a valuable resource for parents and students alike. By staying informed about important dates and events, families can ensure that their children have the best possible educational experience. I hope this article has been helpful in providing you with a comprehensive overview of the School Calendar 2024.